Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Growing Your Social Capital

Brad Bao: CEO of  Lime Scooters; his background is business specifically business development. He was one of the co-founders of Lime Scooters
Filling the slot on industry expert
I knew of his company before I knew who he was. I researched the company and found on he was the CEO. I connected with him over Linkedin via a message. Him being a CEO of a huge company did not actually respond to my message which I assume would happen but I asked him about his company. I asked what determined where they launched these scooters. Not every city or town has the lime scooters so what made him choose his placement of the scooters. I also asked him how he came up with pricing of the product. He produced his product more as a leisure product for people that have a more discretionary incomes but still how did he price it to still have young professional using his product. If the connection was made with Bao it would have been a huge help to utilize his knowledge about the industry so that I can use his advice for my company.

David Hurst: Study Edge tutor
Filling the market expert spot
I knew David from Study Edge as I use study edge for business finance and he is the study expert. He would be beneficial to me as him and Study Edge all sell products to college students. I emailed David about how they entered and dominated a market full of broke college kids. He believes that most kids see their service as essential or that the student is not the one paying for the membership it is the parent who wants them to excel in school. I asked him also about marketing Study Edge because I feel like they have created such a brand at UF their tactics and strategies are working. He said they appeal to college kids as equals. Most of their employees are young, they throw parties at Swamp which appeals to college kids and they create a lot of swag. They have created shirts and pens to get their name out their to students.

Roger L Brown: CEO of Ninebot
Filling my supplier expert
I had to do research to find someone who could fill this spot. I worked backwards based off my knowledge of Lime scooters to see who their supplier was and it is Ninebot. Ninebot produces and manufactures scooters and sells them to many scooter services. I reached out to Mr. Brown via email but got no response. I wanted to know how much it cost to sell in bulk to give me my scooter to start my business. I wanted to use him as a basis for my search for my supplier of scooter. I wanted to know also the reliability of his product and why it is better than the other suppliers of electric scooters.

This was a lot harder than I expect for building my social capital, it was really hard to contact people who could give me insight on my business. They are also my competitors so I do not think they would want to help me that much as I am competing against their businesses. I did not really gain more social capital as they people never reached out to me to answer my questions. I would say that I did strengthen a weak tie I had with David from Study Edge which was neat and beneficial. This is way different than any other networking I have done, my other networking has been through business mixers and career showcase.


  1. Hi Danielle,
    I think it was a good choice to reach out to a CEO of a major company in the industry to try and form a connection, even though it didn’t happen this time. You hear a lot of success stories like that where someone took the step and got a surprising result. Networking can open a lot of doors for you.

  2. Hi there Danielle, solid choices for experts in your market to touch base with. My favorite part about this assignment was that I was made aware that we have absolutely nothing to lose by reaching out to these potential resources. I actually feel a little braver after this. Glad you got to speak with David Hurst, sounds like he was a good source for connecting to your target market with a service, even one that was far removed from what you have to offer.

  3. Hi Danielle,
    I definitely feel you on not getting responses from people that would be your competitors or who run large companies and simply don't have time to answer some college student's questions. I'm glad you were able to talk to David though, as StudyEdge really has done a great job in the University of Florida's student market. Hopefully you will hear back from the others as well, good luck!

  4. Hello Danielle,
    I also reached out to Ninebot and got no response, as they are the major supplier for most electric scooters that these companies use. I also applaud you for trying to reach out to a large competitor that is Lime Scooters. Overall I think you did a good job and asked the appropriate questions in trying to build your own social capital. Hopefully you will eventually get a response from the two CEO's that you tried to contact.
