Thursday, March 19, 2020

Elevator Pitch 2:

After reviewing the feedback of classmates, I wanted to try to keep the same emotion as the first pitch. People said I seemed excited about this product which in turn made them excited about the product as well. I feel like I try to better my lighting in this video from the past one as it was hard to see my face. They also said to try to make the video eye level, I could not find a place to do it eye level making me rest my phone on the highest chair I have in my house hopefully it is more eye level than the first.


  1. Hi Danielle, great job on your second elevator pitch! I can see you really worked to improve since the first one and listened to people's comments. Great energy also. It can be tricky to set up your phone to get a good angle but thankfully real life elevator pitches are done in person.

  2. Hi!
    I think you did really well. It's smart to emphasize how easy it is, and that you can literally just pick it up and put it down for 2 dollars. Cheap and effective is amazing for a college market with an unmet need. You clearly were more energetic and confident than last time, which is awesome.
