Monday, March 16, 2020

Creating a Customer Avatar

The ideal customer for my company's product is a college student (age 18-24). My customer tends to enjoy the outdoors and thrill of adventure in their life. Ideally the customer does not have a car, because they are using my scooter in place of alternative transportation methods. With my scooter being electric, my customer would agree with the idea of trying to reduce the emission that go in to the air. This is another reason they justify their purchase as a good one because they are not hurting the Earth. My customer would not have kids and there is no affect on usage of the scooter if they are adopted. My customer would watch a bunch of TV and mainly off of streaming platforms such as Hulu and Netflix because cable is too expensive and did not come as a bundle package in their apartment. I would say majority of my customers would support the democratic party as most college kids do. They believe in supporting small businesses which would hopefully translate to them supporting my small startup business.

In relation to my ideal customer, I do have similarities as I am a college kid myself that likes the outdoors. I do fully relate to watching a bunch of TV especially off of Netflix as I am always binge watching shows. I do not fully fit the ideal customer as I do have a car and would use that if the occasion allowed me to. I do not think it is a coincidence that I have similarities with the ideal customer of my business because this is a startup that I believe it and find interesting. I would not say scooters are a passion of mine but they do peak my interest and I would use them if they were available.


  1. Hi Danielle,
    I think a lot of customer avatars would already inherently be very similar to the entrepreneur. This is most likely because we understand ourselves and our needs the best, and can help translate those to helping others and solving their problems. However, college students are often a tough market to get to, since they usually don’t have access to a lot of funding.

  2. Hi Danielle, I find it interesting how I and others tend to create an avatar that is very similar to them. I think it is because our ideas came about from our own annoyances, therefore making us a prototypical customer. You have great detail here and it sounds like your avatar would really fit into the UF campus as well as plenty of other schools I'm sure.

  3. As soon as you used the characteristics of : democratic, TV watching, environmentally conscious, supporters of small local businesses, I had a specific mental picture of your avatar. It really helps to gain a three dimensional feel for our ideal customers. It seems most of us are very similar to our avatars, yet differ in some fundamental way. Maybe we are all just solve our own problems.

  4. Hello Danielle,
    I think many of us had similar customer avatars, as many that I have seen were college students or young adults. I think that this is the case because we are all college students so we came up with many solutions to problems that we may face regularly. My avatar and I also had many similarities because of this as well.
