Friday, April 17, 2020

Your Exit Strategy

For my company, I plan to eventually sell my company off for a large profit. I plan on staying with my company through the growth at the University of Florida and hopefully see the company start up at other universities around the nation. I want my company to eventually be on a national scale but that is something I do not feel I have the knowledge and time to run a company of that magnitude. I would sell my company off and make the profit but would still try to be present with the company. I would help them when they need help and always in my spare time help spread the word about the scooters. I have picked this exit strategy because it best fits what I want to do with my life, I want to enter the consulting field and have family. With wanting those things and having the life I want I would not have time to manage and run a company.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know what your priorities are and where your venture ranks among them. Having a business can be like having a family and it's a tricky balance to perform optimally in either role when you are attempting to tackle both. It absolutely can be done, though with the right network and team in place. We all plan to sell our little companies for a profit. I wonder how often that actually happens in the wild!
