Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Entrepreneurship Story

Image result for shark tank

In my life growing up, I did not have interactions with entrepreneurs; no one in my family invented anything nor did any of my family friends. However, my family thoroughly enjoyed watching Shark Tank at night. With Shark Tank on 11 seasons now there are plenty of different episodes to watch. My dad and I were the main people in my family that enjoyed watching it and we always think to ourselves 'that is such a simple idea why couldn't we think of that.' This is little exposure a to entrepreneurship, has definitely allowed me to learn that not everyone is successful on their first, second or even tenth try but it is those people who keep trying that will be successful.

Why ENT3003?
Upon signing up for class to take this semester, I knew I had to take business finance so I needed to be pair it with low demanding classes. I heard great things about this class and about Professor Pryor leaving it an easy choice to pick and take this semester. At the beginning of the semester I watched the lectures online for a week because I know it was going to be a race to get a seat. Now I go in person because I think this is the most interactive and funniest class I have taken so far at the University of Florida. I hoping to learn more about the process of entrepreneurship and hear more about real stories of entrepreneurs and their story to success.

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